Dear People
So much sadness and fear in these last months—feels like more so this year than other years. But I wonder: is that really true? If it were not for the madness and expediency of social media and its vast global reach, perhaps there would be the same amount of sadness (and JOY) in our world, only we are all more aware of this sadness and fear because we are so connected—all the time. (This connectedness is also a choice.)
This is why meditation is so important. Every day. Being mindful throughout our day keeps us steady. When we meditate we pause, reflect, observe, see, and accept. When we are steady we don’t buy into the bombardment of drama which leads to mass confusion. When we are confused we cannot appreciate the sadness or the joy in our lives. Both emotions are important. The daily whirlwind of media madness that sweeps us up into this vortex of drama and fear creates a visceral, internal chaos. Yet, when we are mindful we stand outside of drama, fear and pointless worry which only prevents positive action. Watch the fear. Watch the drama. Be aware of it. (Resist participating in it). But if you do, know this is a choice.
Most of what we do and even think is CHOICE.
Someone famous dies, today, yesterday or last week and suddenly masses of people fear that same demise. Someone famous has an affair and it reaches the masses and in that instant so many in relationships question their own—the topics are endless and always at our fingertips to swipe up for more of the same. Faces and names change but the stories and fears don’t.
Whether it is the destruction of the planet or the passing of a life—there is still joy to be seen, felt and had—now, in this very moment. There are still miracles every day. But miracles are perception. Fear is also a perception as is love and joy—it is choice.
There is also HOPE. My hope for you, Dear People, is that you are able to perceive the miracles all around you, every day. The more we are present to life and love—then, as mature adults we are better equipped to handle and accept change, sadness and even death as a part of life.
The earth spins on its axis for the last 4.6 billion years. 460 meters per second, 1000 miles per day. Sunrise. Sunset. (Miracle). No one has yet to fall off the earth. That is a thought worthy of pondering. Fear is designed to blind, paralyze and throw us off balance. Many of us have been off balance more this year than ever—by design. Instead of buying into fear choose your vision to see the miracles. They are around us, all the time.
So, when that Clock is about to strike 12 and that noon train is approaching around the bend; the tracks are laden with golden bricks pointing in a direction and your life is asking you: Decide, Decide, Decide...who are you going to listen to, your heart or your mind? What will you (!) choose? Fear or Joy?
(only time will tell...)