To Y.O.U. ...
(with love) I will always remember words—by…you.
I have been called prophetic and sometimes even poetic(?)
(and not by you.)
I was called a Stalker…
(funn-ier yet—by who?)
I have been called an “All-About-Me-Some-Thing-or-Other” (By—you.)
I have been told that I am a a great friend;
(and not by you)
a Liar.
(even though you and I know what is true.)
Some say that I am a great and amazing mother;
(at one time even said by you!)
I have been called, “a poor excuse of a mother”;
(sadly, words spoken by—you.)
I was once told that I was more interesting than Buddha and all of the saints!
(and not by you!)
don't wonder--who...
I’ve been called an entrepreneur and a wise woman…
(and not by you.)
(but, what is wise anyway?)
and what do labels mean?
How does one wear a compliment or an insult?
And what do I call myself?
(and not-by-you.)
but always with a capital “A”.