The Leaving...
The Leaving
He is packing his bags
(for his De-part-ure)
He is leaving Some Place
Where he has never lived.
(He’s been there his entire life…)
He does not realize that his bags have
No-thing(s) in them.
Still, he packs them—anyway.
The –same-bags-for-the-same-trips
(He has never taken the time to look
inside his suitcases to see how they held no
She is packing the same bags too. Hers are filled-over-flowing-
(with things she thinks she can take with her.)
but she cannot.
She is stuffing in all of her beautiful and costly
(S o r r o w)
She is trying, shoving things deep into the corners of her
V a l e s e—searching
to find
so she does not
She cannot recall where she placed It.
(and it is troubling her.)
She cannot find what was never had.
They are leaving, together/behind/memories
That never existed. Where they are going,
is Un-Clear
(They think they are being practical.)
But this flight has no
Landing Point.
There is no destination because they are not going any
Place Real…
(so when that clock is about to strike 12 and that noon train is approaching around the bend; the tracks are laden with golden bricks, pointing in a Direction and your life is asking you: Decide, Decide, Decide...what will you do? What will you do? race for the train or the track? ;) )